Do you struggle to find qualified people to click your ads?
How do you get them to click your social media marketing ads? Also how do you get them to buy your product?
Retargeting to the right audience is very important if you want to see more conversions. There are several audiences you can retarget such as your current fans or anyone clicking through to your website or blog.
Facebook Ad Re-targeting
Facebook ads are targeted to users based on their location, demographic, and profile information. Many of these options are only available on Facebook. After creating an ad, you set a budget and bid for each click or thousand impressions that your ad will receive.
The businesses that will succeed with Facebook ads will usually entice a user to sign up for something of true value, a free report or pdf, some kind of giveaway to capture their email address (WITH A LEAD MAGNET) so you can turn around and remarket them later. You must offer something of real value to start to build a trusting relationship
What if they don't sign up and they are just clicking on my ad? If you are a smart marketer and you are campaigning through facebook ads you will place the facebook pixel on your lead magnet and remarket to them to capture their attention again. Anyone clicking on your facebook ad is definitely interested in what you are giving away, so by having the pixel placed on your site gives you a more targeted audience for your next facebook ad campaign. It is all about building that custom audience by tracking who is visiting your website. This way you will grow to have a more targeted audience from users who have previously clicked on an ad.
For example, if your facebook ad is directing users to read a blog post on your website about weight loss, you could remarket to them with a another lead magnet on a similar topic to move them onto your email list.
If you are placing facebook ads without using the remarketing pixel and not tracking your performance then you are losing sale conversions and just throwing your campaign money away.
What about you? Are you using the re-marketing pixel to create custom audiences and build your list?